Mamewah Other Apps

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Revision as of 00:34, 12 May 2006 by Liquid8 (talk) (added instructions for PC Games)
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There is an excellent list of "Cabinet Friendly" PC games located *[here].

PC Games

In order to launch PC games, you should create a folder, like 'C:\Games\PC links\' and copy any shortcuts (these are the .lnk files) to the games you wish to run into that folder. If you need to create a new shortcut, right-click and select 'New'-> 'Shortcut' and follow the steps to locate the program you want to run.

Just like configuring emulators, you will need to create a seperate .ini files in the \ini folder specifically for your PC Games.

What is important in this new ini file are the following settings:

rom_path C:\Games\PC links\
rom_extension LNK
list_generation_method rom_folder
emulator_executable PC
commandline_format [name]{autodosbox}}{nosafelaunch} (constant)

The emulator executable here is just called 'PC', since there is no seperate program required to launch this application.

With these setting you simple enter the gamelist option, then select generate list and, if all goes well, the PC game list is generated and you're ready to start playing.

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