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Possible MaLa Bugs

This page exists for constructive purposes. The idea being if we can give details on the occurrences of the possible bugs it will give Swindus a good chance of fixing it quickly as his time is limited.

Possible MaLa Bugs
MaLa Version Possible Bug Work-around/ Notes Swindus Note
V1.0 RC9 After installing V1.0 RC9 it was noticed that fast acceleration through the gamelist no longer worked when holding the DOWN button continuously. The "Controller/Options/Use Scrolling Acceleration" was checked and the "Acceleration speed" was set to 20. Holding the DOWN arrow did nothing. If I change the "acceleration speed" to 9 or below, then fast scrolling through the gamelist will work. A second observation is if the "acceleration speed" is set to 20 and I "uncheck (ie: turn off)" the "Controller/Options/Use Scrolling Acceleration" option, then fast scrolling "does" work. This is weird since the option was turned off. Alter the scrolling acceleration to a value under 10 (controller-options-use scrolling acceleration <10) Fixed in v1.03
V1.0 RC9 Mame config editor (options-mame config-basic) does not appear to cater for all the events in the latest versions of mame. Edit Mame.ini manually for the effected items. This is beacuse some items have been added and some removed on the latest mame versions Edit Mame.ini manually for the effected items. ;-)
V1.0 RC9 When Mala is started(either from a reboot, through a desktop shortcut or from Mala.exe), the screensaver only works if the video option is enabled, whether that is the selection when Mala starts or if another selection is made at startup, then switched to video after. Once the video option is enabled and the screensaver fires up once, then I can switch between the other options (picture or plugin only), and they both work. One thing that I get with all of them is that the No Files Found screen comes up every time, even if I have files in the target directories or not. ? Need to check this.
V1.0 RC9 I can't create any new "sections" that are populated with lnk or bat files... Every one I create now has the "Error Code 2" error. Since my last post I also accidentally edited my "Music Game" section, and now they don't work at all, even though the settings are the same as before. Sections I have not touched do work, though, such as my Playstation (bat) and Doom Collection (bat) sections.. USe RC8 to create/refresh your lists Error in RC9. Fixed in v1.02
V1.0 RC9 Video Screensaver:videos seem to work great -- except for after some time (I am on random mode) a windows error box pops up saying "The file cannot be read". It seem to increase in frequency over time. WI first start MaLa it takes quite a while for the error message to pop up, but then the next time it seems shorter, and the next time it is even shorter, and the next time ... and so on and so forth. This would lead me to believe that there is some sort of memory corruption going on that is causing my issue. * Fixed in v1.02
V1.0 RC9 The intro video running slowly, but I'm getting the audio from the preview video of whichever rom is selected in the FE playing behind it. Ideally the layout video should not start until the intro video is finished * Fixed in v1.02
V1.0 RC9 Mala Tree. I originally set up nestopia under RC8, and created a blank gamelist with Mala Tree called Nintendo. After I upgraded to RC 9, the menus still work. However, whenever I try to update the menu via mala tree, I get a red "x" over the nintendo gamelist and I cannot save it. * Check the directory entries in the file menu of MalaTree.
V1.?? * * *
V1.?? * * *
V1.?? * * *
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