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ClrMamePro is an extrememly powerful utility for managing roms for practically all systems (not just Mame).


Homepage and more info:


Here is a small list of what clrmamepro can do:

   * finding missing sets, files, (including chdfiles, roms, samples)
   * find and rename wrong named files
   * find and resize wrong sized files
   * find wrong checksums (bad dumps, etc.)
   * find and remove unneeded files
   * merge and unmerge roms
   * rebuilding gamesets
   * add new sets
   * profiler to manage datfiles
   * www profiler to manage online datfiles with automatic update notification
   * sha1, md5, crc32 hashvalue support
   * build in dat creator
   * several byte operating functions for valid checksum correction


Here is a quick breakdown of the results you get when you scan a (Mame) rom set:

Typical ClrMamePro Summary output for a Mame romset scan:

Missing Sets:             9 of 6507
Wrong SetName Case:       0 [0 fixed]
Wrong Named Sets:         0 [0 fixed]

Missing Roms:             664 (641 are 'nodumps') of 92971
Missing Bytes:            237mb of 51gb
Missing BIOS Roms:        0 of 89
Wrong Named Roms:         0 [0 fixed]
Wrong RomName Case:       0 [0 fixed]
Wrong Sized Roms:         0
Wrong Date/Time Roms:     0
Wrong CRC32s:             0
Wrong MD5s:               <n/a>
Wrong SHA1s:              <n/a>

Missing Samples:          35 of 2479
Wrong SampleName Case:    0 [0 fixed]

Missing CHDs:             189 (26 are 'nodumps') of 189
Wrong CHD Case:           0 [0 fixed]
Wrong Named CHDs:         0 [0 fixed]
Wrong CHD_MD5/SHA1s:      0

Unneeded Files/Folders:   21

Number Of Sets:           6507
Number Of BIOS sets:      29
Number Of Parents:        1447
Number Of Clones:         3005
Number Of Others:         2055
Number Of Roms:           92971
Number Of BIOS Roms:      89
Number Of Samples:        2479
Number Of 'nodump' ROMs:  641
Number Of 'baddump' ROMs: 464

Results Breakdown:

Missing Sets:             9 of 6507

Means that you are missing 9 "sets" from the mame roms directory you just scanned. A Set being a whole game in a zip file/directory.

Missing Roms:             664 (641 are 'nodumps') of 92971

This is a break down of the roms. Each game/set may contain hundreds of roms. So, of the 92,971 roms in 6,507 games, you are missing 664. BUT 641 of these are "no dumps" = do not exist. So in reality you are missing just 24 roms.

Wrong Named Roms:         0 [0 fixed]

All the "[0 fixed]" stuff means that you ran the scan with various FIX tickboxes checked. In this case, ClrMamePro found nothing to fix (or was unable to fix it). I suggest doing this with caution - until you are confident in ClrMamePro's operation - as it will change/rename/move/backup/delete your roms.

Missing Samples:          35 of 2479

You are missing 35 sound samples.

Missing CHDs:             189 (26 are 'nodumps') of 189

You have no CHD's... in the rom directory you specified. A Lot of people keep CHD's in a seperate directory (you can add more than 1 rom dir in the setup section.)

Unneeded Files/Folders:   21

Literally means 21 files that are not recognised/misnamed. Ticking the "remove unneeded" options will remove these, and rename/move them if they are misnamed roms. If you have the Backup option set, it will store them in your backup folder too.

NOTE: Be VERY careful with this option. For example, MAME 110 might remove the requirement for samples for some games. ClrMAME will correctly list these as unneeded. If you delete them and then decide (for whatever reason) that you would prefer to run MAME 0.109 or 0.64, etc. Those "old" deleted samples will be VERY hard to find.

Common Gotchya's / Tips

  • Under the "You prefer: Non-Merged Sets, Split Sets, Merged Sets" It is EXTREMELY important to select what matches your set. Split sets are most common, as they are effecient in terms of Storage. If you selected something else, clrmamepro would busy itself duplicating everything which would take a loong time and use lots of extra diskspace.

  • Be aware of the version of Mame that you are scanning. If you have a MAME set for v 0.100, but scan with e.g. MAME 0.110, this version might remove the requirement e.g. for samples for some games. ClrMAME will correctly list these as unneeded. If you delete them and then go back to running MAME 0.100, those "old" deleted samples will no longer be present!