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Once you get your arcade machine operational, you will more than likely be interested in knowing (and playing) all the ROMs that will run on your particular hardware setup. There are a number of criteria involved for determining such lists: monitor orientation, types of controls, number of buttons, screen resolution, cocktail/upright, etc. Luckily a few tools were developed to assist in creating lists:

A windows GUI based application that also uses MAME's xml output file or controls.xml to allow you to create custom filtered lists of games based on your input criteria. (# of buttons, joystick type, monitor orientation, etc) The program can create numerous output files, including XML, CSV, and batch files for quickly copying all of the target ROMs to your machine. Open source and freeware.
This utility, written by Buddabing, uses a free SQL engine (SQLite) to create an internal table from MAME's -listxml output that can be used to generate MAMEWah game lists. It also can be used to generate batch files for Buddabing's MAME Movie Maker. ListGen is a fast, open source way to filter game lists.

Even with these tools, there are still ROMs which may work on your machine, yet not show up in the output of the above mentioned tools. This is because the description of a particular ROM inside MAME's xml output does not adequately describe all of the possible configurations of a particular game. One example is the game Blast Off. MAME's description and controls.dat's description is that the game does not support cocktail mode. However, inside the game's service mode screens, there are options to enable screen flipping mode between player 1 and player 2. (thanks to turbo6 for discovering this) {screenshots here?}

Courtesy of turbo6, this is a listing of all the ROMs which support screen flipping between player 1 and player 2. This is a combination of vertical and horizontally oriented ROMs, and is not broken into which controls are supported.

[FOLDER_SETTINGS] RootFolderIcon cust1 SubFolderIcon cust2 [ROOT_FOLDER] 1942 800fath 99lstwar airwolf alpine amazon amidar arabian argus arkanoid atlantis bagman baraduke battlane battroad bcruzm12 berabohm berzerk bigbucks bionicc blastoff blazer blckgalb blkhole bogeyman bombbee bombjack bonzeadu bouldash brkthru brubber btime bullfgt bwcasino carnvckt cavenger ccastles cclimber cclimbr2 centiped chameleo champbas chplftbl chukatau circusc citycon ckong clshroad cobracom commandu congo cop01 crazyblk crush csilver cutieq dangar deadang digdug digdug2 dingo dkong dkong3 dkongjr dogfight dorodon dowild drgnbstr drmicro drtopplj dspirit eagle elevator empcity espial exctsccr exprraid exzisus faceoff fhawk firetrap flashgal flstory flyboyb formatz frogger frontlin futspy galaga galaga88 galaxian gaplus geebee ghoulsu ginganin gngt gorf gradius grindstm gsword gtg2j gunsmoku guzzler gyrodine gyrussce helifire higemaru hoccer holeland homo hopprobo hotshock hustler hwrace imsorry insectx invad2ct invaddlx invaders invadpt2 ironhors jack jailbrek jjack journey jrpacman jumpbug jumpcoas junglek kangaroo karnov kchamp kicka kidniki kingofb kungfum kurikinu ladybug lastmisn ldrun ldrun2 ldrun3jp liquidku lkage lnc lsasquad m660 madcrash madgear magmax magspot2 mappy marineb markham mars marvland masterw megab megaforc mikie missile mmaze mmonkey mofflott momoko monsterb monymony moonal2 moonqsr moonwar motos mpatrol mrdo mrgoemon mspacman myhero nibbler ninjakun noboranb nov2001u nrallyx nunchaku oscar pacland pacman pacmania pacnpal pacplus paddlema pandoras parodius pbaction pballoon peekaboo pengo perfrmau phelios phoenixa phozon pinbo pisces pistoldm pitfall2 pkunwar plusalph ponpoko pooyans popeye popper psychic5 puzznic pyros qbert quester raflesia raiders5 rainbow rallybik rallyx rastanu regulus reikaids renegade retofinv rezon roadf robocopu rocktrv2 rocnrope rollace rompers rthunder rtype2 rugrats rushatck rygar saturn sauro sbagmans sbasketb scion scobra scorpnmc scrambls sdtennis sectionz seganinj senjyo sfposeid shadowld shaolins shollow shootout shufshot sindbadm skyfox skylance skylancr skyshark slyspy snapjack solarwar solomon spacedx spacefb spcforce spelunk2 spelunkr splatter sprcros2 springer sqixbl srdarwin srdmissn srumbler sshot139 ssi ssozumo sspacatc starjack stinger stratvox sucasino superpcm swat swimmerb syvalion szaxxon tactcian tankbatt tapper teddybb teedoff terracre terraf thunderl tigerh tigeroad timepltc tinstar todruaga tokiob tokiu tp84 travrusa triothej triothep triplep troangel trojan tron tsamurai turtles tutankst uniwars upndown valtric vanguard vastar volfiedu vsyard vulgus wanted warofbug waterski wbdeluxe wboy wfortune willowje wiz wmatch wndrmomo wtennis wwestern xevious xxmissio yamagchi yiear youjyudn zarzon zaxxon zigzag zoar zodiack